I have had the pleasure of participating in many amazing groups. Some were professional organizations; we established cancer nursing education protocols, patient management practices, and guidelines for early detection of diseases and disorders. I also created and facilitated the first multidisciplinary cancer care teams at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia as a nurse. Together we saved lives and promoted health and wellness.

After I “retired” from my nursing and public health career, I wanted to learn how to write more creatively. Fortunately, I discovered a writing group. We met weekly for many years and helped each other express our feelings and share experiences through the written word. With input from other participants and professionals in the field, I have published several books.

However, the groups I have joined on my spiritual journey have had the most significant impact on my life. Book study and MasterMind groups have helped me learn and grow far more than I ever thought possible. The combined effect of our collective experiences and understandings had a remarkable impact on my spiritual evolution.

The impact of synergy is mentioned in Matthew 18:20. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Energetically speaking, our collective efforts and intentions make a huge difference. When we come together with a singularity of purpose, we can change the world from the inside out.

First, we must look inside and shift our behaviors and beliefs. When we align with the truth of our being, we can realize our highest potential. We raise our vibration, and this dynamic force ripples out into the world. Together, our lights brightly shine, and we radiate love to all humanity.

When the “higher powers that be” directed me to journal confessions for 40 days, I did not realize how this life-changing exercise. I did not know how radical honesty could cleanse my soul of blocks, baggage, blinders, and blunders hindering my growth. After sharing this transforming experience in my book,  The Dance of Ego and Essence, and after learning its impact on readers, I am compelled to launch a book study group. By sharing wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, I know we all will benefit.

If you are trapped in the “unholy trinity” of guilt, shame, and fear, or if you are tired of spinning your wheels on the spiritual treadmill, join our Divine Diva Circle. Meet with us and experience the full effect of getting spiritually naked through radical honesty. This safe, supportive environment will uplift you and guide you as you discover your divine blueprint.