The word “freedom” brings forth many images—slaves, the Declaration of Independence, women’s rights, gay rights… In the United States liberty also includes the right to believe and worship as we wish. More importantly, we are free to release old behaviors, ideas and patterns that block our personal and spiritual growth. Early on my spiritual journey I was unsure of myself. I did not trust my intuition. I also feared many things. I feared death and pain, failure, being wrong, rejected, abandoned, suppressed and controlled. And I deeply feared that I was not good enough or pure enough to go to heaven. These fears were deeply ingrained in my body and soul from a very strict religious upbringing.

When I was a teen I often felt like a slave. Our parents were “masters of the manor” and made my sisters and me work in the house, yard and garden before we could play. While all the other neighborhood kids were playing ball and swimming in the creek, we performed our many chores. This seemed horribly unfair. However, our parents taught us the value of hard work and we learned vital skills in the process. Now I am free to do exactly what and how much I want to do, but when I slack off I feel guilty. Perhaps I have become my own slave driver.

Through the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, my inner teacher, I learned a great deal about freedom and power. I embraced it’s teachings with passion but was hesitant to share its revelations with others. My fragile ego needed confirmation from “masters.” I needed proof that what I knew and believed to be correct was indeed “truth.” I felt that since my ideas were presented in a different format, my lifework would be criticized and found to be lacking. I also thought I was in competition with other spiritual teachers.

At first these insecurities prevented me from telling others about my mystical experiences and sharing what I had learned on my healing journey. Eventually the deep inner knowing and the impact of the Blueprint became so profound that I had no choice. I knew it was also my higher purpose and had no choice but to share it. When I finally realized that what others thought about me and my ideas did not matter, I let go of the fear of criticism and rejection to step boldly forward with my message of authenticity and empowerment.

At first I also thought that sharing the Blueprint meant that others had to buy into it. I needed to convince them that my spiritual model was “the way.” Of course this was just another Ego entrapment. Now I am free to be a living example and share my story in hopes that others will be inspired on their own journey. I no longer need to drag them along behind me.

Years of prayer and meditation, studying sacred text and self-discovery have liberated me from these limiting blocks and beliefs. I know that fear is yet another one of Ego’s tricks to keep us from realizing the truth of our being. I learned firsthand that when we finally let go, we are free to fully embrace and express who we are. This requires a great deal of healing. And when we heal the body, mind and heart we are then open to a higher state of awareness. We are open to that intuitive realm of knowing where Spirit guides and we eagerly follow.

Healing is a shift in perception that allows us to see beyond the obvious. It opens the door to higher awareness where we can experience the potential and impact of our inner knowings. We are empowered to boldly stand up for ourselves and what we know to be true. We listen carefully, trust this guidance and follow it because to disregard the nudge of Spirit would be dishonoring our divine nature.

Liberty also implies that we are without judgment. Without the inner nag—the internalized critics from our childhood that keeps us from moving forward—we can be happy, healthy and whole. When we are finally free of guilt, shame and fear, the “unholy trinity,” that keeps us from fully expressing all that we are, we truly will be authentic.

Feminine Spiritual Growth and Transformation

What is keeping you from honoring your true nature? What are you ready to release that is hindering you from being all that you are?

More insight is available from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®. To learn more about developing emotional immunity, read “Day 28. From Addiction to Freedom” in my book, The Dance of Ego and Essence: Confessions of a Divine Diva.