The universal quest for greater awareness compels us to pause, examine our life and make changes that bring us into harmony with the truth of our being. Unless we are bold enough to look inside, we will never discover the barriers that are keeping us from being all that we are. And unless we are brave enough to face our fears and faults, we will never realize our highest potential. Through radical honesty, we can embrace and express Essence.

I learned firsthand the benefits of radical honesty and how it promotes personal transformation. I was guided by the “higher powers that be” to meditate and journal confessions. During this 40-day process, I experienced a deep soul cleanse. I felt so free, I was flying, euphoric. This experience was so powerful, I was compelled to share it in my book, The Dance of Ego and Essence: Confessions of a Divine Diva.

Feminine Self-Mastery – Getting Spiritually Naked

To dance like the divine divas that we are, we need to get spiritually naked. With radical honesty we can free ourselves of old baggage, blinders, bluffs, and blocks that keep us from realizing our highest potential. Unless we transform past traumas and let go of limiting beliefs, we will never be able to honor and express our true divine nature.

In the process, we release victimhood, increase our awareness, raise our vibrations, experience the synergy of spiritual partnerships, cleanse our souls of old beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us, and align our entire being with the truth. In the process, we awaken to Essence and know oneness with God, others, and all Creation.

As we follow in the footsteps of the masters and evolve spiritually, our lives are transformed so we can express our divinity through our humanity. We become the hands, heart, and voice of God on earth.

Feminine Self-Mastery – Five Steps to Freedom

To discover your divine blueprint and dance like the divine diva that you are:

  1. Release Baggage – Let go of emotional baggage; transform victimhood through forgiveness, optimism, and personal responsibility.
  2. Remove Blinders – Stop searching and striving; embrace the fact that you are beloved, holy, and whole.
  3. Relinquish Bluff – Instead of pretending and making excuses; step from behind ego’s façade and be authentic.
  4. Reject Blocks – Let go of old beliefs that no longer serve you; transform behavioral patterns that trap you in negativity.
  5. Reclaim Birthright – Embrace your original divinity; integrate your body, mind, heart, and soul in alignment with the truth of your being.

These five steps can help you to release pain from the past and fear of the future so you can joyfully live in the present. Then, you can discover your divine blueprint and dance like the divine diva that you are.

Feminine Blueprint for Self-Mastery

Many tools are available to help you transform your life if you are committed to being your best self and changing the world from within.

Feminine Spiritual Growth and Transformation