Are you tired of pretending that all is well? Do you profess to be more aware than you are? Or are you compelled to make excuses for perceived shortcomings? It is time to relinquish the bluff. It is time to stop hiding behind Ego’s façade and let your true essence shine.

To joyfully dance like the divine diva, you need to stop pretending that you are more, better, or more significant. You are! If Ego only realized that we are enough and worthy, we could remove the mask. We can exchange the disguise and be all we were born to be. We can embrace and express the essence of our being.

Feminine Self-Mastery – From Ego to Essence

At one point in my career, I was encouraged to dress the part of a business executive. I resented and rejected this suggestion because I loved designing my own clothes. I added vintage touches and always dressed with a dramatic flair.

This individual was encouraging me to follow what I call the “Quack Method.” If it looks, acts, walks, and talks like a duck, it’s a duck! He wanted me to pretend I was something that I was not. I wanted to be authentic and let my creativity and personality sparkle.

As we awaken spiritually, we realize that we do not need to deceive others. We are beloved, holy, and whole. We are beautiful and worthy. We are perfectly imperfect just as we are—if we bring our actions, thoughts, and feelings into alignment with our true nature. And if we are committed to being all that we are, beloved children of God.

Feminine Self-Mastery through Divine Partnership & Gratitude

As we evolve spiritually, we learn that it is easier and more effortless to live purposefully and realize our hearts’ desires in partnership with the Divine. We show up every moment as the hands, heart, and voice of God, allowing love to express through us. Then we become the vessel through which God works.

When we discover that we cannot succeed alone, we open ourselves to higher guidance and support. This critical shift in awareness opens the door to authenticity. We can relinquish the pretense that keeps us from being all that we are through radical honesty.

Joining with others of like mind and heart can help in this process. The synergy of spiritual kindship provides the support and encouragement we need. Partnerships with others and God empower us to be brave and bodacious enough to let our lights radiantly shine. Then, what a blessing we are to others when we are authentic!

In a state of gratitude, we also realize how blessed we are. We recognize and embrace the abundant gifts in our sacred birthright. When we use them for the highest good, we can live authentically, purposefully, and in harmony with all that is. We can freely let our LoveLight shine as the beloved children of God that we are!

Feminine Blueprint for Self-Mastery

Many tools are available to help you transform your life if you are committed to being your best self and changing the world from within.

Feminine Spiritual Growth and Transformation