Are you weighed down by old beliefs that no longer serve you? Are you trapped by behavioral patterns that keep you in a negative mode? Do you feel powerless to realize your heart’s desires? It is time to reject the blocks. It is time to stop hiding behind Ego’s façade and let your true essence shine.

To joyfully dance like the divine diva, we need to discover the ballast that keeps us from fully realizing our highest potential. Negative ruts force us to repeat nonproductive responses to challenges and crises. In this unfavorable mode, we will never honor the truth of our being. And we will also fail to empower others to be all they are.

Feminine Self-Mastery – From Ego to Essence

If you are anything like me, old commandments have limited your potential. I believed that I had to be first, never ask for help, and do everything perfectly. I thought that I was not good enough or worthy to be loved. These negative attitudes prevented me from standing up for myself or living optimally. They kept me from being bold enough to express my opinions and ideas.

Only Ego believes it is a failure, unworthy, or less than adequate. When we discover and embrace Essence, the truth of our being, we know that we are perfectly imperfect. With a commitment to doing and being our best in every moment, we let our lights shine and make a positive difference.

Feminine Self-Mastery through Divine Guidance

The key to overcoming behavioral and belief blockages is to open ourselves to higher guidance. When we pause in the moment, breathe, and ask for direction, we tap into our divine inheritance. This infinite source of goodness is always at our fingertips. We never have to face challenges or make tough decisions alone.

When we embrace this incredible gift of support, we can never make a mistake! And it is easy to do. After recovering from an extended illness where I was unable to work for over six months, I was ready to return to work and share wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®. I didn’t know where to start, so I wrote an affirmation in the Notes on my iPhone. “I am ready to refocus on my life purpose and am open to higher guidance on where to begin.”

The following day, I awoke knowing what I should do. The “higher powers that be” told me to go to my office an hour early every morning and journal confessions for forty days. I followed this guidance, and the result is my book, The Dance of Ego and Essence: Confessions of a Divine Diva. I asked and showed up as instructed. Then, the words easily and effortlessly poured onto the page.

This exercise in radical honesty has inspired many people to do a deep soul cleanse. When we open our hearts to truth and reject the blocks, we are free to be all we were born to be. We become the hands, heart, and voice of God. Our lives become purposeful, and we realize our highest potential.

Feminine Blueprint for Self-Mastery

Many tools are available to help you transform your life if you are committed to being your best self and changing the world from within.

Feminine Spiritual Growth and Transformation