I have been a tree hugger from an early age — literally. I was raised in a very rural part of northwestern Pennsylvania and spent hours climbing trees. We also lived off the land, had an acre garden, and enjoyed home-grown produce all year long. 

On the very first Earth Day in 1970, I was a senior in high school. We had a small committee plan some activities which I no longer remember, but I was the secretary for this event. Our efforts may have been minimal in comparison to what occurs today, but we were dedicated to preserving our earthly home.

My commitment to protecting Earth and our natural resources is based on a reverence for all life. We are connected beyond space and time with all Creation. When we live symbiotically and harmoniously, we can all thrive. We can live more simply and be mindful stewards. By working together, we can sustain the Earth for future generations and create win-win-win solutions that benefit us all. 

The concept of sustainability also came up during my 40-day experience with radical honesty. On day 34, I journaled about how scarcity is transformed into sustainability when we live in alignment with truth. 

In the Blueprint for the Human Spirit, the concept of win-win-win emerged. I was aware of win-win solutions, but a third win was new to me. I discovered that conscious choices produce results that are not only good for us and the other party, but they will also sustain our earthly home. When we make enlightened decisions, we all thrive, and Mother Earth will be preserved for future generations. The synergy generated by this three-point Circle of Abundance, is another amazing revelation from the Blueprint.

Book - Dance of Ego and Essence

To me, sustainability is more than preserving natural resources and taking good care of our earthly home. It also means that we learn how to live in a manner that maintains our energy and focuses our efforts on how we uplift humanity. 

My journal entry on Day 34 of my 40-day deep soul cleansing experience ends with a beautiful affirmation. It is paired below with a beautiful photo that my husband took. Enjoy!