I’m excited to share this book about my Dad, A Wing and a Prayer with you.



My Dad asked me to write this and share it.

When I attended nursing school, Dad asked me to write his story. He wanted to help those who had lost an arm and make sure that their doctors appropriately managed their care and rehabilitation. As a peer counselor, Dad had visited a man who had lost his hand just below the wrist. After a long and painful recovery involving many surgeries, he received a prosthesis that was long, cumbersome and not very functional. This man was so depressed and discouraged that he committed suicide.

Dad was convinced that if I published an article in a medical journal and used his case as a model for the appropriate treatment of amputees, others would be spared unnecessary trauma, disfigurement and possibly death. I didn’t write about how Dad lost his arm and overcame his “handicap” back then, and today his medical care would be outdated with new technology and surgical advances. However, his story still begs to be told.

His life is a testament to strength of character, resilience of the human spirit, the healing energy of laughter and the power of faith and prayer.

Through Dad’s stories, his down-home philosophy of life and his positive attributes are revealed. He is playful, pragmatic, passionate and persistent. He is also the most creative person that I have had the privilege of knowing. Although he is not highly educated, he has excelled in the “school of hard knocks.” He has always taught by example and encouraged others to live life to the fullest

Dad, here are your stories, told in your own words from the tape that Ed Hildebran made years ago and from our childhood memories. Your real-life escapades and outrageous feats are far more amazing and exciting than any reality show.

May your delightful tales and zest for life continue to inspire family and friends as they read this chronicle. And may those who survive life-threatening experiences and face severe physical challenges find the courage to spread their wings and soar fearlessly as you have done every day of your life.

Your loving daughter,
Note: Paul left this earth on Thanksgiving Day,
November 27, 2008. The final chapter was read as his


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