As a nurse with a Master’s Degree in Public Health, logic and reason were paramount to me. They appealed to my rational, skeptical mind and desire to make sense of the universe. I was committed to the scientific method and the processes for nursing care, problem-solving, medical intervention, and research.

Then I discovered that I was intuitive and received the gift of intuitive healing. This gift made me question everything I had been taught, believed, and practiced. It defied common sense. My organized way of thinking turned summersaults with this mind-blowing revelation.

Guided by the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, my holistic model for conscious, compassionate living, I embraced the idea of another form of healing and another way to perceive the world. As I began to trust the “knowings” that popped into my awareness, I discovered the power and potential of alternative healing. Now I do not question what I receive but have opened my entire being to assisting others.

Through Spiritual Blueprinting consultations, I help align clients with their spiritual Essence so they can live the life they were born to live. I dramatically reveal and help clients transform underlying illnesses, issues, and limitations that interfere with health, wellbeing, abundance, and wholeness.

What truly amazed me about this healing modality is that it usually only takes a shift in perception to bring forth healing. This process begins as we affirm that we are open, ready, and willing to receive divine guidance. Then, I demonstrate how shifts in energy and awareness diffuse blocks and baggage that interfere with wellness by psycho-spiritual mirroring, imagery, and muscle memory.

I originally called this new modality “Dramatic Intuitive Healing” since there are many movements, positions, postures, expressions, and vocalizations that demonstrate issues. As clients see firsthand how their problems appear and feel them by mimicking my motions, they quickly respond to energy changes.

Spiritual Blueprinting is a process that actively involves clients. It is holistic instead of being focused on the physical aspect of life. Guided by higher awareness, it is accurate, concentrates on priority concerns, and is unique for each client. By focusing on the root cause of the presenting issues, this modality offers deeper, permanent healing.

Spiritual Blueprinting is like a healing laser that concentrates beneath the surface where illnesses begin. By addressing the spiritual concerns, emotional baggage, or mental attitudes that ultimately present as physical manifestations, permanent healing is possible. Unlike symptom management which ignores the underlying cause of the problem, Spiritual Blueprinting helps to powerfully transform lives.

Clients typically address four to six issues during the healing process. They may be about present concerns, past experiences from this or previous lifetimes, intergenerational wounds that are part of the collective unconscious, or future challenges. Also, the problems may be physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, or spiritual. Each one reflects one aspect of the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®.

I love doing Spiritual Blueprintings because I benefit as well. Since we are one, connected beyond space and time, your healing is my healing is the healing of the world. As we raise our vibration and awareness, the entire universe benefits. Together, we can change the world.

As the process of Spiritual Blueprinting evolved, I discovered many concepts about healing and transformation that are not “beliefs” but “knowings” based on personal experience and higher guidance. They are presented as “Permanent Transforming Power” toward the end of this document. Also included is a document that summarizes the holistic lifestyle consultation process and Spiritual Blueprinting characteristics.

Spiritual Blueprinting sessions last approximately one hour and end with a powerful and personal divine blessing. For more information and to experience this transforming power and align your life with your spiritual Essence, schedule a session. More information is available on Spiritual Blueprinting | Dr. Pamela Gerali ( Energy exchanges for this service are listed on my website Shop.

Download a FREE booklet about Spiritual Blueprinting and learn how this holistic, intuitive modality can benefit you. Included are examples of how this dynamic, powerful healing practice has helped a variety of clients to release emotional baggage, shift limiting mental attitudes, and align with their true essence.