No amount of money, education, or protesting can eliminate victimhood, intolerance, or addiction. These social ills are based on personal beliefs, behaviors, and experiences. Although they pervade humanity and lead to needless deaths, destruction, and despair, nothing will change unless we raise our own awareness.
Instead of looking to politicians, educators, and activists for solutions, we need to first look inside and fix what is broken. We come into this world with wounds from past generations and add our own unresolved abuses, failures, and fears. Unless we transform these limiting traumas, we will sabotage future relationships and minimize our creative potential. We will never find inner peace and be authentic. We will never be able to help others achieve their heart’s desires if we wallow in our own psycho-spiritual pathology.
Greater Awareness
We can only change ourselves and the world from within. We elevate the consciousness of the entire world by shifting our energy into alignment with truth. It may seem that focusing on our self is egotistical and self-serving, but our transformation impacts the entire universe. We are all connected beyond space and time and create the greatest impact by focusing within. Dr. David Hawkins said, “To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world.”
Spiritual Blueprinting is a form of healing that promotes greater awareness. While you are actively engaged in the process, you can release barriers that are preventing you from realizing your highest potential. When relational issues arise, the focus is always on the person seeking support, not other individuals who may be involved.
One client asked for help in dealing with her controlling husband. She wanted to be a dancer while he wanted a fulltime housewife. She felt he was keeping her from living her dreams and wanted to know what she could do to get him to agree with her. She wanted me to fix him! She learned that we cannot change anyone else, and the healing was for her own growth and benefit.
During the session she was led down a path to fork in the road with three possible directions. One revealed how what would happen and how she would feel if she listened to her husband and gave up her dreams. The second branch showed how she could balance dancing and maintaining her responsibilities in the home while trying to make her husband happy. The third option offered insight into the highs and lows of a solo existence where she experienced the ecstasy of dancing and the loneliness of leaving her family.
One step at a time she began to move in harmony with her own yearnings. She energetically pumped iron to become strong enough to stand up for her beliefs. Later she began classes and pursued dancing as a part time career. When her husband refused to accept her choices and demanded that she give dancing up, they parted ways. By then she had developed the courage and emotional strength to resist his dominating behavior. She pursued her heart’s desires, uplifting her audiences with grace and joy. She also found a new life partner who supported her and encouraged her aspirations.
Spiritual Blueprinting sessions are approximately one hour and end with a powerful and personal divine blessing. For more information and to experience this powerful transforming power and align your life with your spiritual essence, schedule a session with Dr. Pamela Gerali HERE.
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