Illnesses are not just physical in nature. If we focus only on the body, we will never truly heal or thrive. We may become stronger and temporarily enjoy greater health and wellness, but physical healing is just the tip of the iceberg. We are complex creatures with physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual dimensions. How we appear is only an illusion. We are 99.999… empty space. We are energy beings who vibrate at our own unique frequency, one that reflects our state of consciousness.
Our activities, thoughts, feelings, and intentions reveal our level of awareness. Everything that we think, feel, say, and do today also creates our future. Each choice we make brings us closer to or further from our divine essence and wellbeing. When we integrate all aspect of life and align them our inner truth, we will thrive. We can heal from the destruction and devastation of separation, and all humanity will heal with us.
By actively engaging in an inner space mission, we can discover who we are—not physical bodies with a soul, but spiritual beings engaging in a spiritual experience. Only then can we realize our highest potential and fully express our divinity through our humanity. We become the hands, heart, and voice of God (Creator, Source, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence, or whatever you call your Higher Power). We become ambassadors of love and light, uplifting humanity in our own unique way.
Spiritual Blueprinting sessions reflect the Blueprint for the Human Spirit’s holistic approach for authentic living. They offer transforming insight for issues that present at the time of the healing whether they present in the body, mind, heart, or soul.
Example: One client appeared fine when she arrived, but during her session I began to cough and patted my chest. When I asked her if she had a sore throat, she indicated that she felt fine. However, she asked to focus on an issue she had with a family member. She had been struggling for many years with a poor relationship with this loved one who now needed her help.
Her sister constantly challenged her by bringing up and blowing up my client’s mistakes and short comings. She insisted that she was being helpful, but her approach was demeaning and condescending. Earlier that morning, my client had a lengthy, painful conversation with her sister. Although she wanted to express her true feelings about their relationship and how she felt diminished, she kept it to herself. She stuffed it inside once again.
The guidance focused on “coughing it up and getting something off her chest.” She needed to express her truth in a positive, constructive way. She was encouraged to breathe deeply and open her heart, mind, and voice so she could share her feelings and reactions. During our session she practiced this and made a commitment to openly and honestly talk with her sister the next day. However, she woke up with laryngitis. Obviously, what she wanted to express was “stuck in her craw” and became physically manifest as an upper respiratory infection. Because of her healing and intentions, it quickly resolved. She was able to share this with her sister, healing their relationship and her cold.
Spiritual Blueprinting sessions last approximately one hour and end with a powerful and personal divine blessing. For more information and to experience this powerful transforming power and align your life with your spiritual essence, schedule a session with Dr. Pamela Gerali HERE.
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