There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life, and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. – Sophia Loren
Aging is not a favorite topic among the senior set. Many avoid thinking and talking about this inescapable fact of life. They pretend their birthdays have ceased, refusing to acknowledge the decades as they fly by creating an illusion of perpetual youthfulness. Regardless of whether we celebrate the day of our birth or not, we all face the challenges of advancing years.
As we age, we must cope with many potential losses, including lessening energy, strength, endurance, and memory. We may also lose our homes, independence, friends, and spouses. Additional caregiving responsibilities become priorities as loved ones age and require extra assistance. We also come up close and personal with our mortality and the possibility that we will be forgotten. Covid has made these issues even more prominent in our lives.
Feminine Spiritual Development -- Defy Aging by Healing Old Wounds
Getting older is not for sissies, and divine divas are anything but cowards or crybabies. Courage, resilience, and optimism are required if we want to enjoy our golden years. And despite all the changes we may face, we need to maintain a good sense of humor. My father lamented that “golden” was a misnomer and that our senior years were rusty. He also joked about how he suffered from TMB—Too Many Birthdays! Our family disagrees and wishes he had been with us far longer than 79 years.
Although the body often takes precedence during the second half of life, regrets will hound us if we neglect the rest of our being. We need to release emotional baggage, heal old wounds, and do what feeds our souls. If we live in the past or are anxious about the future, we will not enjoy the moment. Divine divas learn how to be present, keep dancing, and stay positive, no matter what.
Feminine Spiritual Development -- Defy Aging with a Holistic Approach
Many teachers encourage us to address issues and fears associated with aging by adapting our mindset. From research, we know that the brain has neuroplasticity and constantly changes in structure, function, and chemistry throughout our lives. In other words, you can teach old dogs new tricks; we are never too old to learn and grow.
Adapting involves far more than changing our minds. We will succumb to the stressors of chaos unless we transform challenges into opportunities and learn more conscious responses. We can transmute fear into freedom through a holistic approach, one that aligns our thoughts, feelings, and actions with the truth of our being.
I remember the moment when I lost my fear of death. I realized that I am not a body with a soul but a spiritual being enjoying a spiritual experience in a spiritual universe. Since we are all made in the image and likeness of God, we are “godlings.” We are individuated expressions of the Divine—the hands, heart, and voice of God on earth. Divine divas embrace this truth and know they are ageless. They joyfully express their divinity through their humanity.
Dance to the song of life. Katherine Hepburn
Feminine Spiritual Development -- Defy Aging by Joyfully Dancing Like a Divine Diva
Are you ready to dance like a divine diva and celebrate your agelessness? Join me on an amazing adventure in self-discovery. Allow the Blueprint for the Human Spirit to guide you through the challenges we face in the second half of life.
Let go of regrets and release old baggage by engaging in a 40-day joyful release and deep soul cleanse with guidance from my book, “The Dance of Ego and Essence.”
Receive one-on-one guidance with a holistic, intuitive Spiritual Blueprinting session to expedite the healing and transformation process.

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