Those who have experienced lack or hardships—economic decline or depression, loss of a job or income, or less than enough food, clothing, and comfort—may struggle with underlying financial concerns. The volatility of our current economic climate, threats of recession, and increasing costs with fixed incomes create worries during the second half of life.
We have valid causes for concern when these fiscal issues are complicated by potential mental decline, sensory impairment, and threats of scams and theft targeting seniors. Although these issues are legitimate, we do not need to live in fear. We are the beneficiaries of an abundant divine inheritance if we only tap into this infinite source of good.
As long as we remain vigilant at building our internal abundance—an abundance of integrity, an abundance of forgiveness, an abundance of service, an abundance of love—then external lack is bound to be temporary. ― Marianne Williamson
Feminine Self-Mastery -- From Fret to Favor
I recall living on a shoestring while I was in college with barely enough to sustain me. Thanks to generous parents, flourishing gardens, and hard work, I survived. I am grateful for these times of shortage because they taught me the value of living simply.
One typical reaction to the fear of scarcity is to fret, and fume and this response are neither productive nor stress-free. We intensify the fear by complaining and whining, not about what is, but about what might happen in the future.
Instead of bemoaning the worst-case scenario, we can choose to view life with optimism. When we have a positive point of view, we can enjoy the moment. We can transform fear with hope into a favorable outcome. By fortifying ourselves with the promise of abundance, we can connect with Source and tap into our divine endowment. With a simple lifestyle, grateful heart, and generous spirit, we can enjoy the good and goods that come our way.
Feminine Self-Mastery -- Rich in Spirit
The Blueprint for the Human Spirit® includes the Circle of Abundance. This synergistic component of the Blueprint brings unity to our lives, and it reveals how we are energetically linked to others and the earth to survive and thrive. When we joyfully give and graciously receive, we all benefit from the win-win-win results. As we live symbiotically and in harmony with all creation, we experience leaps of hope that bring forth abundant good our way. And the more we give, the more we receive.
Divine divas are rich in spirit. They realize that not all wealth is tangible but gratefully embrace every blessing that flows their way. Instead of fearing financial hardships or worrying that their retirement and savings won’t last, they are one with the source of all their good. They transform failures and challenges into opportunities. They also view every person, object, and experience as a blessing. They are fearless, content, and grateful for all they are, have, and can do. They joyfully dance between heaven and earth.
Discover your abundant divine inheritance by engaging in a 40-day joyful release and deep soul cleanse with guidance from my book, “The Dance of Ego and Essence.”
Receive one-on-one guidance with a holistic, intuitive Spiritual Blueprinting session to expedite the healing and transformation process.

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