by admin22 | Nov 10, 2021 | Art of Feminine Self-Mastery, Authenticity, Dance of Ego and Essence, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Essence
First impressions are not necessarily accurate. In fact, the persona we meet maybe a far departure from the individual who tries their best to present themselves in the best light. They may appear to be concerned and friendly when they are only out for themselves. Or...
by admin22 | Nov 8, 2021 | Art of Feminine Self-Mastery, Dance of Ego and Essence, Oneness, Spiritual Development
Isolation, social distancing, and loneliness have been our constant companions during the Covid 19 pandemic. We have been forced to stay away from loved ones and strangers alike, separated from what typically nourished our souls. Out of necessity, we hide behind masks...
by admin22 | Nov 2, 2021 | Art of Feminine Self-Mastery, Dance of Ego and Essence, Spiritual Blueprinting, Uncategorized, Wellness
There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life, and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age. – Sophia Loren Aging is not a favorite topic among the senior...
by admin22 | Oct 23, 2021 | Art of Feminine Self-Mastery, Dance of Ego and Essence, Wellness
The art of feminine self-mastery begins with self-discovery. Unless we know who and bring our thoughts, actions, feelings, and intentions into alignment with the truth of our being, we will never realize our highest potential. We will never be authentic. The Blueprint...
by admin22 | Sep 28, 2021 | Art of Feminine Self-Mastery, Dance of Ego and Essence, Spiritual Blueprinting, Spiritual Essence
The human experience is amazing and challenging. At times we feel as if we are two separate beings, each striving for domination. A devil sits on one shoulder tempting us to do what we want and need to feel bigger and better. An angel sits on the other shoulder,...
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