Spiritual Blueprinting
Now You Can Finally….
Get the Spiritual Connection You’ve Always Wanted…
Finally experience and know the truth of your VIBRANT BEING!
Are You Ready for the NEXT LEVEL of Physical and Spiritual Transformation?
My updated Spiritual Blueprinting Consultation aligns your human experience with your inherent divinity to improve vitality, harmony, and sense of inner beauty. This upgrade reconfigures your energies, restructures your awareness, and regenerates your system so you can radiate like never before.
I use psycho-spiritual mirroring, imagery, and muscle memory to reveal how your past and current life situations affect your body, beliefs, emotions, and spiritual awareness. This dramatic, interactive activation process guides you to experience shifts in perceptions so you can realize the truth of your being.
With higher guidance, prayer, and meditation, you discover your divine blueprint so you can live more authentically, serve more compassionately, and create more consciously.
Powerful LOVE and LIGHT energy transmissions from Source upgrade your human energy field and enhance cellular performance as you remember who you are at a soul level!
Please watch my video and READ ON and discover how these powerful processes can transform your life!
Get the Spiritual Connection You’ve Always Wanted!
Finally experience and know the truth of your VIBRANT BEING!
Spiritual Blueprinting is:
– An effective solution to shift your consciousness to a higher perspective.
– Works on a deeper level to release your emotional and physical challenges.
– Simple way to connect to your higher-self and soul guidance.
– Based on assistance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit® process
– A powerful way to Tune your Energetic Field and reset your Vibration.
– Enhances you at a cellular level.
– Gets you back into the FLOW of your life.
– Transforming and liberating!
“In order to achieve clarity of thought and perhaps direction, one needs to be open. A “mirrored session” of oneself through Dr. Pamela Gerali’s higher expertise allows for that clarity. Through clarity comes an understanding of our thoughts and associated memories.
Thank you Dr. Gerali for the experience of “mirroring”, thereby allowing for validation of thought, placement of my memories and your heartfelt blessing from above.
Every memory is one with spirit and self – our essence of being.
I will forever remember our session.”
Spiritual Blueprinting sessions are approximately an hour (60 mins.).
Tune-ups are perfect for anyone who has had a session and wants a little more clarity. They are approximately 1/2 hour (30 mins.).
Special Introductory Price!
Purchase 3 sessions for $350.00
Introductory Specials on NOW!
Pamela is happy to offer her transformational work, Spiritual Blueprinting, at a special price right now- this will be available for a limited time so you can start your journey to a better life today!
“Words cannot express our gratitude for your healing. My daughter has awakened from ten years of being depressed and emotionally trapped in her body and her home with the blinds drawn. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
“Thank you for your wonderful healing we did yesterday on the phone! Your perceptions were spot on and very helpful! I woke today feeling refocused and shifted—for the better! Thank you!”
“I have to tell you I am in awe of you! You have a calm tranquility about you that I was able to feel and bring into my soul. I felt it the whole way home. It was very easy for me to go into meditation mode with you, as my trust was so full and real. I had a beautiful feeling of “other-worldliness” when with you. I know that where I was this afternoon was meant to be and right and perfect for many reasons. Thank you for sharing your heart’s truth with me.”
Your gift has brought me new hope. In a way its hard to find the depth of the darkness that can be held in your own mind and body. It is also a great relief to be able to “name the evil” and begin to throw light on it and release its power over your spirit. This is the gift you have given me, and I will be forever thankful for it. With love and hope, WB
I can’t thank you enough for literally saving my life – you did. I am what a call “environmentally depressed” because I’m bored, but am joining a commission on the disabled, and looking at going back to school. Still having neurological tests and problems that seems my cross to bear at this time. I’ll survive. I’s been worse and could be, but I doubt again I will ever be suicidal, thanks to you.
It’s All An Inside Job…
Spiritual Blueprinting is an inside job and occurs at a deeper level than where your issues and challenges express. Behind every physical manifestation is a mental or emotional challenge. Behind every emotional concern is an intuitive or spiritual issue.
Pamela’s sessions last approximately one hour and end with a powerful and personal divine blessing. Follow-up consultations are scheduled as needed. Spiritual Blueprinting is:
- Holistic – Whole being is addressed, including the mind, body, heart, and spirit.
- Comprehensive – Root cause of problems is addressed instead of symptoms.
- Intuitive – Guidance comes from higher perception unhampered by ego.
- Interactive – Client participates in the process to enhance the experience.
- Intentional – Readiness, willingness and openness impact the process.
- Dramatic – Movements, positions, postures, expressions, and vocalizations demonstrate issues, bring memories to the forefront, and create awareness.
- Accurate – Targeted solutions are offered, and tension is released as needed.
- Non-Invasive – Touch is not involved, so sessions are safe and free of side-effects.
- Unique – Sessions are individualized for each client, and each session is different.
- Focused – Most essential issues are addressed at the time of the session.
- Flexible – Sessions may be performed in person (after Covid), by phone, FaceTime, or Skype.
Are you ready to take the next step on your journey to wholeness and spiritual freedom?
These one-on-one sessions go DEEP into dismantling limitations or blocks in any areas of your life and relationships, clearing childhood trauma and conditioning, and assisting with quickly guiding you to Self-Empowerment, clarity of mission, alignment with one’s Soul purpose, manifestation abilities, and balance during these challenging times. The results are truly transformational and lasting for those that are ready.
IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.