Blueprint for the Human Spirit®
The Perfect Tool for These Times
The Blueprint for the Human Spirit® is Pamela’s passion and purpose. This inspired guide for self-discovery and conscious, compassionate living offers insights into the human experience, empowering individuals to live authentically, purposefully and in harmony with all Creation. Its elegant design beautifully integrates all aspects of life into a synergistic whole.
Since it is compatible with ancient teachings, new science, Eastern philosophy and Western psychology, this amazing tool is relevant for individuals with all belief systems and from all walks of life.
Wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint is transforming. It encourages the critical examination and shifting of beliefs, thoughts and behaviors into alignment with the truth of our being, promoting a shift from Ego-driven efforts to the expression of true Essence.
The Blueprint is Pamela’s life work and emerged through revelations received during predawn times of prayer, contemplation, and meditation. Over a number of years, it evolved from a few simple insights into elegant geometric and matrix formats that reveal the dynamic interplay between the many facets of life.
A Guiding Tool
This Blueprint will help you design a great life!
5 Fields of Understanding
Let Pamela teach you how to use these 5 fields for your spiritual growth.
Discover Your Divine Blueprint
This Tool will inspire your journey in so many ways!
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Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers)
What is the Blueprint?
The Blueprint for the Human Spirit is a guide for self-discovery and conscious, compassionate living. It promotes a positive way of being that leads to spiritual wisdom and awareness by encouraging the critical examination and shifting of beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors into alignment with essence. This metaphysical and mystical teaching comprises a holistic approach that illustrates the totality of the human experience in conceptual, geometric and matrix form.
The Blueprint is a dynamic tool for learning and increasing awareness for seekers of all faiths. Since it contains universal truths that are compatible with ancient teachings, new science, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology, it bridges the gap between religions and doctrines, cultures, and ages. It is relevant to and potentially helpful for individuals of all belief systems who are committed to their spiritual growth.
The Blueprint matrix and support materials read like the anatomy and physiology of the human spirit. Since it reveals the nature of life and our relationship with all aspects of the universe, the Blueprint serves as a road map or instruction manual for this earthly experience.
How did the Blueprint emerge?
This spiritual guide spontaneously evolved through early morning intuitive “downloads” that began in July 1995. I would be awakened around 3:30 a.m. on three or four mornings a week. With no effort or intention on my part, information flowed into my awareness one revelation at a time. Each morning I would hold as many concepts in my mind as long as possible, then rise and type them into my computer.
Patterns emerged and the information expanded from a simple mind-body-spirit triangle into a tetrahedron inside a sphere. Within six months, a fifteen-box matrix with multiple levels of information developed in harmony with the diagrams.
This mystical experience continues at intervals, shedding new light on the matrix and its designs. I frequently receive clarity on some aspects of the Blueprint. It also continues to evolve. New layers of information are revealed, and questions are answered. In fact, since I wrote my first book, two additional fields have emerged—the quantum and the eternal. The content of the quantum field was not new, but it offered a new way to view and understand the original five universal laws associated with the Blueprint. They became integrated into the matrix. The eternal field evolved with my spiritual growth. It represents pure essence, the divinity within.
The first part of this book is an introduction to the Blueprint as it appeared in its early phase. The second part reflects more in-depth teachings that were revealed later in the Blueprint’s evolution.
What is the source of the Blueprint?
The source of the Blueprint is God, the universe, or the higher self. Some know its origins as the “still small voice,” the super-conscious, Holy Spirit, spiritual guides, ascended masters, or Akashic records. I believe that I inadvertently tapped into the “cosmic databank” that is available to all and filtered many of its universal truths through my conceptual, analytical mind.
Approximately four years before the Blueprint started to unfold, I began reading sacred literature from a variety of inspired sources. I noticed common themes and patterns that resonated with me. Although these authors may have influenced me, the information that flowed into my awareness far exceeded my spiritual studies and understanding. Long before I learned about quantum physics, Eastern philosophy, natural healing, mysticism, and other holistic models, I received and recorded comparable ideas as fundamental aspects of the Blueprint.
How can I be sure that the Blueprint is true?
Like other sacred teachings, there is no way to prove or disprove that the information in the Blueprint is true or factual from an intellectual perspective. It was tested once using kinesiology and registered remarkably high on Dr. David Hawkins’ map of consciousness. I accept the Blueprint as truth because every time new information comes into my awareness, I experience a resounding, visceral “YES.” The hair stands up on my arms and it just feels right.
Confirmation also comes from outside of my awareness. Strong parallels exist between the Blueprint, the Bible, the Chakra system, the Tree of Life, The Tao, and other models for spiritual development. It is consistent with writings from masters, past and present, particularly teachings that are metaphysical and mystical in nature.
Every time I question some aspect of the Blueprint, I pause in silence and ask for clarification. The answer always appears in one form or another, whether it is a book, teacher, word or knowing.
Why is the Blueprint important?
The Blueprint has guided my own growth and transformation. Each new revelation forced me to search my soul and examine my belief system. Concepts I questioned and which seemed incongruous with my inner knowing were explained and resolved. The most interesting aspect of the Blueprint’s evolution was that it came slowly and did not expand until I had integrated the most recent teachings into my way of being. I continue to be humbled and astounded as my “inner guru” directs my own spiritual growth in harmony with the expansion of the model.
Since the Blueprint has been such a vital force in my own growth and transformation, I believe that it can help others as well. I know from personal experience that it can promote personal growth, professional success, and spiritual awakening. Since it is not limited to any faith, it can assist all spiritual students in their quest for awareness, enlightenment, and authenticity. It has helped me to discover the answers to questions common to all individuals—Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? Is there a God? Where is heaven? What is the nature of God? How was the universe created? What is truth? The answers flow in response to every question.
How can the Blueprint promote transformation?
The Blueprint can serve as a guide for individuals as they examine their own lives and their relationships with others, God, and the universe as a whole. The framework provides a comprehensive, logical description of the human experience from a variety of perspectives. It offers insight into authentic living, compassionate service, and conscious stewardship. It is also a viable model for leadership, family life, education, organizational structure, governance, health care, child development, professional success, spiritual unfolding, and other aspects of life.
The Blueprint is a tool for transformation because knowledge leads to greater awareness and awareness can foster positive shifts in perception. It encourages the adoption of behaviors that are compatible with greater awareness, and it shows how ego effort evolves into enlightened essence. Unlike other spiritual models, the Blueprint encourages individuals to tap into their own inner wisdom and demonstrates how this can be done.
What are the predominant themes of the Blueprint?
The major themes in the Blueprint are spirituality, consciousness, love, oneness, freedom, and abundance.
- Spirituality—We are spiritual beings enjoying a spiritual experience in a spiritual world. All aspects of life are a manifestation of the spiritual nature of our being and of all creation.
- Consciousness—Our purpose while on earth is to become more aware of our oneness with God and to express our divinity. To live more consciously, we tap into our own inner wisdom or that of master teachers and shift our perceptions into alignment with truth.
- Love—Life, God, creation, energy, good and love are one and the same. Love is the glue that holds the universe together and is the very nature of essence.
- Oneness—Since we come from the same source, are made of the same basic substance and function as a whole, we are one. Our every thought, word and deed affect the entire universe. It is our deepest desire to remember and experience our oneness with God.
- Freedom—One false perception is at the root of all suffering—the belief that we are separate from God and each other. Duality produces a multitude of ensuing beliefs that lead to fear, attachments, and blocks. Freedom from fears and old, limiting beliefs make holistic transformation and awakening possible.
- Abundance—The universe provides everything that we need to thrive and to achieve our highest potential. We need only to ask for what we desire, allow the universe to respond, embrace the gifts we receive as our divine inheritance and express gratitude for all that we have and are.
What are the geometric designs of the Blueprint?
The concepts of the Blueprint evolved with corresponding designs that illustrate the interactive components of this dynamic model. The core pattern of the Blueprint is a large, amorphous sphere or field, which represents the whole, the spiritual dimension of life. Spheres represent unity, wholeness, perfection, and God.
Within the field is a tetrahedron comprised of four equilateral triangles that merge to create four points. They correspond with the physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive aspects of life. All the dimensions are integral parts of the whole, the spiritual dimension. Triangles represent creativity, harmony, ascension, integration, and change. A tetrahedron represents fire, personal power, acceptance, and balance.
The basic fields of existence are illustrated through concentric, three-dimensional spheres or fields. The quantum field represents the energetic aspect of all creation. Although it is pictured as a small circle in the center of the fields, it comprises the whole of life.
The personal field represents the self (inward focus). The social field of life (outward focus) is about close relationships with family members, neighbors, friends, co-workers, spiritual family members and other individuals in close contact.
The large circle represents the global field, the earth and all of humanity (downward focus). Beyond and encompassing all of life is the eternal field (upward focus). It is infinite, beyond space and time, and represents Spirit, the creative Source.
Years after the geometric designs evolved, I learned about sacred geometry and the energy and symbolism of different shapes. The content of the matrix reflects the energy of its designs.
What is the Matrix?
The Blueprint matrix is a multifaceted chart that shows the dynamic interplay between the five dimensions of life (physical, intellectual, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual) and the five primary fields of existence (quantum, personal, social, global, and eternal). It simply and visually shows the relationship between the different aspects of life based on our developmental level and perspective. (See below.)
At present, there are twenty-five cells of awareness in the matrix with corresponding goals, gifts of Spirit, attributes, and qualities. The rows and columns of the matrix reflect the complex integration and interplay of various cells in the matrix. The matrix also includes parallel concepts, including life’s lessons, the ego’s quest, universal perceptions, fears, blocks and obstructing attitudes and behaviors.
What is the Formula for Inspired Living?
The formula for inspired living shows how life can be joyful by when all aspects of life are in harmony. The spiritual dimension reflects the synergistic integration of the physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive aspects of life. When the personal, social, and global fields are integrated into a synergistic spiritual whole, bliss is experienced.
In the self or personal field of existence balance and wholeness is achieved through self-discovery and authentic living. Love is expressed through compassionate service in the social or the relational field. Unity or oneness is the spiritual nature of all life in the global field or cosmic realm. With these three ways of being, life becomes joyful and creates heaven on earth.
The recipe for joyful living concludes the first part of this book and is summarized below:
Balance (Self Field) + Service (Social Field) + Unity (Global Field) = Joy/Bliss (Heaven on Earth)
What is the Circle of Consciousness?
Unlike hierarchal spiritual models, the Blueprint’s a matrix format shows how different cells or aspects of life can be integrated in a variety of ways. Just as the formula for inspired living merges three parts of the Blueprint matrix to create a unique outcome, the circle of consciousness is revealed in the same manner.
The circles of life, wisdom, love, power, and light correspond with the five dimensions of life—physical, mental, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual. Each circle reveals how individuals learn and grow in awareness in each area of life in a logical, expanding process. This begins within through self-discovery and leads to authenticity. With maturity the focus turns outward into the social realm through conscious service and continues to a broader perspective with conscious living in the global realm. Core competencies reflect mastery in the self, social and global fields of existence for the five circles.
When one of these circles has been completed and we have discovered synergistic win-win-win approaches to life’s challenges, we spiral upward. We take a leap of faith on our spiritual journey. This leads seekers to achieve greater awareness where ego-effort is transformed into essence expressing. With this shift, five divine qualities are revealed, one for each circle. They include immortality, omniscience, unconditional love and good, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
The circle of consciousness reflects the totality of higher awareness when the circles for the five dimensions are merged into a synergistic whole. It reveals how beloved children of God express their divinity through their humanity as the hands, heart, and voice of God on earth. It is shown in matrix format below with its five circles, dimensions, and divine qualities.
Is the Blueprint more than an intellectual concept?
The Blueprint may have been an interesting intellectual exercise as it first evolved, but it virtually came to life before dawn on the morning of October 14, 2001. During an hour and a half as I sat in meditation, I experienced a dramatic event in the life of fifteen different individuals. At first, I thought they were past lives, but after examining and learning more about them, I realized they were archetypes. Each told a story that symbolically paralleled my life at present, and each one reflected a core shift in consciousness (reflected in the chart below) that was critical for my spiritual growth. There were men, women, and children from all walks of life. They also spanned the ages from ancient Mayan times to the early 1900s.
Each person fits neatly into one of the five cells of the matrix for the self, social and global fields. They also reflected different levels of awakening. The individuals from the self or personal level were all victims; those from the social level tried hard, but they missed the mark; those from the global realm lived consciously and productively.
A few days after receiving this download of the archetypes, I visited a friend who is a therapist and shared my overwhelming encounters. She invited me to do a past-life regression. After a moment’s hesitation while I considered whether I could handle another powerful experience, she guided me back in time to where I was a child at the feet of Jesus when he said, “Let the little children come to me for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” In that moment, I knew what Jesus meant and realized this beloved child of God archetype reflected essence, the eternal field of the Blueprint.
Through these amazing archetypes I finally experienced and fully integrated the Blueprint into my way of being. It shifted from the head to the heart as I grieved, experienced pain, rejoiced and felt what these individuals shared. It also opened the door to all the pieces of my soul and confirmed in depth spiritual healing. I continue to learn from the detailed symbolism from the archetypes’ stories and look forward to receiving more mystical revelations.
Because archetypes are universal and because the spiritual transformation process is similar for all individuals, I believe that the core competencies listed for the archetypes are also common to all. They are benchmarks for our personal and spiritual growth and serve as a guide as we grow in awareness. The chart below provides basis information about the archetypes and competencies.
Who owns the Blueprint?
The Blueprint belongs to its source, the universe. I am the scribe, the messenger, and a student. It is copyrighted so the information will remain intact and will not be changed without higher spiritual guidance. I encourage you to copy and use the Blueprint matrix as you see fit in your own life and to share it with others so that it can achieve its highest potential. Although changes are not permitted, comments and suggestions are welcomed and may be directed to:
For more information about the Blueprint and my books, healings, workshops, videos, and offerings, visit
©2021 Dr. Pamela Gerali
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